
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Review: L'Oreal Voluminous Miss Manga Mascara!

Manga Effect Mascara!

L'Oreal came out with this new mascara called the Voluminous Miss Manga and I couldn't pass it up! The packaging is adorable and who wouldn't love to have their lashes look like the cartoon? haha. I purchased mine at CVS for $7.99 so it's not expensive at all. The main focus on this mascara is volume and I was actually surprised with the outcome!
But before we get into that let's take a look at the packaging. Nothing too out there but still pretty and sleek!
What instantly caught my attention was the brush. It has the weirdest shape, kinda like a cone, attached to an ultra flexible wand. The flexibility is great to get into the hard to reach corners so that was a plus for me! I won't lie though, when I first glanced at the brush I thought that I would end up with spider lashes and that's something I try to avoid. The bristles collect so much product (so it seems) but when I used it I was pleasantly surprised! The application was clump free and the volume was really noticeable. It coats all your lashes without making them stick together and your lashes look fuller and flirty. Here's what the wand looks like:
With just one coat I got really voluminous lashes that stayed that way throughout the day. My lashes didn't flake nor did they feel too stiff so the formula is amazing! At the end of the day it was also easy to remove. I'm really impressed with L'Oreal recently! Their newer mascaras have turned out to be hits for me. The Butterfly mascara is one of my all time favorites and this one is quickly moving up the list.
Bottom line: I really enjoyed this mascara! I noticed that it made a huge difference on my lashes and they looked fuller after the application. It didn't provide extreme length but my lashes are on the longer side so that didn't bother me. The shape of the brush is pretty unique, I was scared of it at first but after giving it a try I love it! Make sure to pick this mascara up next time you're at the drugstore. :-)


  1. I've never been a fan of l'oreal mascaras...but this sounds like one I could get along with! Definitely want to pick this one up!

    1. Yeah I completely agree, normally Maybelline would be my go to brand but L'Oreal is coming out with some amazing products! :-)
