
Friday, October 24, 2014

Review: Walmart Beauty Box! (Fall 2014!)

More Bang For Your Buck!

Walmart Beauty Box
I had no idea that Walmart had a  beauty subscription service until I saw my friend Christina make a video about it! Here's the link to the video and make sure to subscribe to her for more awesome reviews! I decided to subscribe myself for two reasons: it's only $5 and it happens quarterly! That's only $20 a year, such a great deal! I love how unique this service is, being that it's seasonal your going to get products that are appropriate for that season. Plus if you happen to love a product you can go to your local Walmart and repurchase! You only pay for shipping which is $5, there's no additional fees and once the season changes you'll be notified when the new box will ship. At the moment the fall box is completely sold out which is the one I'm reviewing today but if you're interested in the winter box make sure sign up now because they sell out quick! Here's the link:

Let's start with packaging!
I love how everything comes nicely packed in a box that's sturdy enough to reuse for storage organization!
Walmart Beauty Box
I received such a nice range of products! From hair care, to nail polish and even deodorant, I was super impressed! The price on just one item alone surpassed the price of the box which is awesome! Just like other subscription services they ask you a few questions to determine what items to send to you so people in a certain age group may get something different from others. I love that aspect because it's catering to your needs and likes.

Here's what I received:
Walmart Beauty Box
and here's a better look:
Walmart Beauty Box
I was pleasantly surprised by how many things were in the box! I've tested out a few things already and some of them have made their way onto my repurchase list haha. The L'Oreal Glossy Balm and the Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant are full sizes, a value of  $15 total between the two. The dove shampoo/conditioner samples were pretty decent, I was able to get about 3 washes with them. The Covergirl nail polish was the only thing that I wasn't crazy about because of the color but I appreciate that they included one. The rest were smaller one time use samples, still a great way to try new products and determine if they're worth purchasing!

Bottom line: I'm pretty obsessed with this box! I truly believe its a great deal and being that its quarterly you're not going to have an overload of products that go unused. This is my first box so I hope it stays consistent in quality throughout the seasons. I just can't wait for the next one! :-)


  1. Ahhhhh thanks for the mention!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Can't wait for the winter box!

    1. I loved it!! Thanks for your awesome review :-D
